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About Us

The M.S Memorial Academy is an educational organization founded with new vision and outlook. The main idea behind its foundation is to develop the children's capabilities so that they are able to attain new creativity, excellence and higher able to attain new creativity, excellence and higher intellectual achievement in course of their school education leading to perfection. In this way apart education, the school presents various opportunities which open avenues for the all round development of the students. Besides it also provides facilities for its students to develop & imbibe the qualities of leadership in every walk of life. The society needs ideas citizen who are prepared to shoulder the burned of growth and progress of the nation. Hence, the new generation has to play a vital role in nation building. And with the background in view the M.S Memorial Academy emerges with a novel and effective school curriculum for young children's which will definitely generate healthy imagination and strong characters among themselves.

The sincere effort and pious intention so of a group of academicians has led to the establishment of this organization. It belongs to all of us. Based entirely on CBSE pattern with English as the medium of instruction, Co-education, computer education and all other modern educational facilities the school is bound to fulfill the vacuum in the field of child education.
The nursery classes are so well prepared and decorated with Charts, Models and pictures, which besides becoming a source of attraction for the kids also help developing a scientific outlook and inquisitive. They are further helped and supported by trained and experienced teachers in the process of learning.
Arrangement is also made for fully care of the little children during their period of stay in the school and in this way there homesickness in removed gradually.
Since the teachers rare just like the backbone of any school, full care is taken in the selection of dedicated and efficient teachers. Apart from holding personal interview the candidates have to go under classroom teaching test.
We believe in the existence of healthy relationship between the teachers and the parents and develop a close contact with them.
